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Adaptive Sports Equipment

After a long and successful run, the VVA #333 Hand Cycle Program will now be a part of the Chapter 333's Legacy.  Currently we are in the process of purchasing and donating a Hand Cycle to an Air Force veteran who, as all previous recipients, has met the vetting process and has been deemed eligible. Our program has a little over $15,000 remaining, however, the cost of this new cycle will be in the $12,000 range leaving us with a few thousand for the program.

As the costs have risen fast and high, it would not be possible for us to maintain enough funds for future candidates.  We would have to fund raise almost every weekend to create enough funds, and that isn't feasible. So with both a bit of sadness, yet mixed with pride for what we have accomplished over the ten years on this project, we will no longer be fund raising for, or accepting any new candidates, for our Hand Cycle program.

Over the years, many if not all the Chapter members have contributed to the success of our program in one form or another. We have spent well over $100,000 on Hand Cycles, two Trike Bikes, Two Mountain Bikes, an Outrigger Canoe, a Kayak along with personal equipment needed for these disabled men and women veterans.

The program has been inclusive of men and women alike, injured veterans from all over the country covering New York to Florida to California and other parts of the United States. What we created and accomplished went beyond our wildest hopes and dreams, acknowledging that we as a chapter, made a "difference" in the life of a veteran in need, and it is something all of us should be proud of.

Fundraising will still continue at street fairs, the Mall or wherever the case may be for our Chapter to continue on in other endeavors. The Hand Cycle program may be over, but VVA Chapter #333 continues on!   Roy Tschudy, VVA #333

The VVA Veteran, a publication of Vietna
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Jason & Perry Trikes

Mountain Bike for Sgt. Nino Atienza

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Freddie De Los Santos


Harry Bologna Outrigger

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Paul K Barnes 
Seal Team #1 Hand Cycle 
Donated by Chapter 333

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Adam Peacock


Ivanna Brown's Photos

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Donation of Mountain Bike

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2024 Hand Cycle Donation to Alan Saxon 

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